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How Much Liquid Chlorine To Shock Pool

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Types Of Granular Pool Shock

Liquid Chlorine or Granular Chlorine Compared – Shock Your Pool

There are three main types of granular pool shock. The most common kind is Calcium Hypochlorite or Cal Hypo, which is the most economical and maintains the power of chlorine shocks needed to clean out a pool.

The other type of pool shock is Dichlor, or Sodium Dichloro-S-Triazinetrione. This fast-acting solution stains less than Cal Hypo but has a lower concentration of chlorine.

The third kind of granular shock is chlorine-free. Called Potassium Monopersulfate, this is a chemical used when you don’t want or need chlorine to shock the pool entirely. While it lacks chlorine’s power, it doesn’t impact the water’s pH and alkaline levels as much and can make the water safe for swimming in under 15 minutes.

High Combined Chlorine Levels

Another situation that calls for shocking the pool involves having high levels of combined chlorine. High levels of combined chlorine can render your chlorine ineffective and is responsible for that “chlorine smell” in your pool. A properly chlorinated pool doesn’t smell of chlorine but it should have that “fresh” smell to it! Before, the best way to deal with this was to raise the chlorine levels about 10x what they normally are to oxidise chloramines and about a 24-48 hour wait for the chlorine levels to stabilise, but with the new Water TechniX Oxi shock, all it takes is one easy application to oxidise chloramines and your pool can be used after 15 minutes!

The Types Of Chlorine Shocks

There are three types of chlorine that you can use to shock your pool which are:

  • Calcium Hypochlorite shock: Calcium hypochlorite is a solid bleaching agent that can disinfect pool water amazingly. Generally, it comes in powdered form, but you can also find it in a tablets shape. No matter what form of calcium hypochlorite you are using, liquefy the chemical properly into no less than five gallons of water before pouring it into the pool water.
  • Sodium hypochlorite shock: Sodium hypochlorite is also referred to as liquid chlorine. People like sodium hypochlorite pool shock because you can directly pour it into the swimming pool water. Therefore, the user doesnt have to face any trouble in diluting the chlorine in the water in advance. This shock does not leave your pool look as cloudy as other granular chlorine shock does.
  • Sodium dichlor shock: Sodium dichlor is another frequently used option that is available in granular form. It is similar to calcium hypochlorite composition but people prefer sodium dichlor as it contains cyanuric acid. Cyanuric acid acts as a protection from the sunlight and maintains a neutral pH level in the pool water.

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Your Pool Water Is Cloudy

Cloudy pool water is an important symptom to treat as it can be a breeding ground for dangerous bacteria, it can also damage your pool and circulation system.

It is important to be aware of any signs of cloudy water as it can quickly escalate, it can even appear overnight. This can be due to any issues with the sanitising chemicals, the pool’s circulation system, the pool’s water chemistry and algae.

How To Shock A Pool With Liquid Chlorine

1 gal. Liquid Pool Chlorine

Shock your pool! The name seems scary at first if you are a new owner of the pool. However, shocking your pool keeps the pool clean and fresh to swim comfortably.

If you want to expand your knowledge regarding how to shock a pool with chlorine, then you are in the right place. There is a correct way to shock your pool if you want to get the best outcome.

Abnormal pool shocking apparently leads to getting green hair from chlorine, which is unhygienic and unhealthy. We will provide you with the primary factors and details that may help you accomplish the critical maintenance task.

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Why Is My Pool Still Green After Adding Chlorine

by Teserra Outdoors | Sep 21, 2020 | Swimming Pool Maintenance

Is your pool still green after shock? A common DIY issue. Normally a pool cleaning service or the next step of DIY will tackle these next three things to take your pool back to its crystal clear shape: the filtration system, the correct chemicals, and patience. We recommend a professional to clean the pool or teach the techniques, especially when dealing with pool chemicals. Here are some guidelines for taking your pool from green to refreshing clear.

How Much Liquid Chlorine Do I Need To Open My Pool

4.2/5Thethethe poolneedliquid chlorineshouldthe chlorine

Also asked, how much liquid chlorine do I need for a 30000 gallon pool?

Add 52-104 oz. per 10,000 gallons of pool water to yield an available chlorine level of 5-10 ppm. While the pool water is still clear and clean, add 3 oz.Liquid Chlorine.

75,000 82 oz.

One may also ask, should I use liquid chlorine in pool? Liquid chlorine is not a stabilized form of chlorine like we talked about earlier, so it should be added to your pool after dark to prevent the sun from burning it off. The CDC recommends that your pool’s free chlorine levels be kept above 1 ppm when using unstabilized chlorine.

Similarly, it is asked, how much liquid chlorine do I add to my pool Australia?

Daily Treatment

10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 50g 100g 150g 200g 250g 300g 400ml 800ml 1200ml 1600ml 2000ml 2400ml

How much liquid chlorine do I need for a 1000 gallon pool?

If the water is clean and clear, then add about 3 oz of liquid chlorine per 1000 gallons of water while the pool filter is running. This should give you a chlorine level of about 3 ppm.

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Checking And Testing Water

Before putting liquid chlorine in your pool, you must test the water. Since the liquid chlorine is so potent, you could easily make the mistake of adding too much liquid chlorine to your pool. Test the water prior to putting the chlorine in, and then recheck the water before swimming. If you donât do this, you may struggle with a pool that has a difficult-to-control chlorine level.

In addition, you will want to pay attention to the pH level when using any products in your pool.

Amount Of Chlorine To Use Per Gallon Of Pool Water

Add Liquid Chlorine (Shock) To Your Pool | By Waterdrop Pools of Naples Florida

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Keeping a pool sparkling clear isnât the easiest project. Whether you have a round ring-top pool or an in-ground pool, maintaining the chlorine balance in the pool prevents bacteria from growing in the water. The basic balance of chlorine to water is between 1 and 3 ppm, or 0.00013 ounces of chlorine per gallon of water.

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Ensure Pump And Filter Are Running

During the shock treatment, and especially after, it is important to keep your pump and filter on and running. This will ensure that the added chlorine is evenly distributed throughout the entire pool to get rid of bacteria and algae in the pool water. Once the shock treatment has been completed, keep the pump and filter running for a few hours to circulate the water. This will clean up the remnants of the shock and disperse any remaining cloudiness.

How Long Do You Have To Wait To Swim After You Shock A Pool

Before you can swim in the pool, wait for the amount of time recommended on the packageusually at least eight hours for chlorine-based shock treatments. You only have to wait as little as 15 minutes if you use non-chlorinated shock treatments.

To be safe, it’s best to measure the amount of free chlorine in your pool to make sure it is 3 ppm or slightly less before swimming. It is dangerous to swim in a pool with high chlorine concentration. If necessary, you can use chlorine reduction reagents.

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How Much Chlorine To Shock At Pool Opening


Razorhog said:That kind of chlorine usage is normal for me when I open, but my water generally looks like pea soup the first day. If you water is clear and eating that much chlorine…well let’s get test results. Also, what kind of bleach are you using and how old is it? What kind of test kit are you using?

JodieM said:Are you using a TFP recommended test kit? These guys are a book of knowledge but you need to test with a reliable test kit. You havent told them your CYA level. That will be key in getting your chlorine level to hold.

Order a TF-100The only other real option for a test kit is a Taylor K-2006-C. Be careful comparing prices because the K-2006 comes in sizes, designated by a letter. The basic K-2006 has .75oz bottles. You need to get the K-2006-C to get the larger bottles that you want.I also have the Speedstir. It makes testing much easier.

How Long After Shocking A Pool Before Is It Safe For Swimming

Shop Clorox Pool& Spa 1

Generally, you should not swim in a pool for 8 hours following shock treatment. Be guided by your shock treatment of choice and follow the manufacturers instructions.

If you use a non-chlorinated treatment the time can be as little as 15 minutes, however, these types of treatments will not work against algae bloom.

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How Much Liquid Chlorine To Add To A Pool

First conduct a water test to determine the chlorine level. Water test kits are readily available at numerous stores and online, and come with detailed instructions to decipher how to read the results.

An important thing to mention here is that the chlorine that is measured is actually free chlorine, there is no differential.

To determine the amount of liquid chlorine you need to add, first consider the total water capacity of your pool. Most chlorine comes in packing suitable to be used per 1000 gallons of water. If the water capacity of your pool falls outside of that, there are chlorine calculators online to assist you in determining the correct quantity of chlorine to add.

It is recommended to keep chlorine levels maintained between 1 ppm and 3 ppm. Above 3 ppm concentration of chlorine in pool water can cause irritation to the eyes and skin of swimmers.

When adding chlorine, keep the pool pump running for proper dispersion and refrain from swimming until the level is below 3 ppm.

IMPORTANT NOTE! Liquid chlorine is an extremely harsh chemical and must be handled with precaution. It has a higher pH value than the powder form so it is highly likely the pH will need to be re-balanced after adding it. It is also highly corrosive and can cause burns or damage to pool equipment if not used correctly. Always handle any pool chemical with caution and wear protective clothing, gloves, and eye protection.

The Sooner You Notice Algae And Act The Easier It Is To Get Rid Of It

We know that dreaded feeling of looking into your backyard and seeing that pool looking a little greener than you would hope. When algae start, the water will have a dull appearance and the chlorine level will fall more quickly than usual. To stop algae at this point, it usually only takes one dose of chlorine to wipe it out.

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How To Shock A Swimming Pool

  • Find out the volume of your pool. This will give you an idea of how much shock you need. The general recommendation is to use 1 pound of cal hypo shock for every 10,000 gallons of pool water, and 10 ounces of sodium hypo with around 12.5% chlorine to sanitize your pool.
  • Make sure the pool water is at its normal level.
  • Make sure your pool’s pH is between 7.27.6 and its alkalinity is between 80120 ppm.
  • Prepare the treatment according to the instructions on the package. cal hypo will require that you dissolve it in water first, then add it to the pool. For sodium hypo, you can add it directly around your pool. If you need to dissolve the shock, fill a bucket with 5 gallons of warm water before adding.
  • For cal hypo, slowly add it to the water while gently stirring. Always add shock to the waternot the other way around. This makes it easier to dissolve.
  • Pour cal hypo evenly around your pool. If there is any undissolved shock left, add some pool water, mix gently, and pour it in the pool.
  • Run the filtration pump for at least 24 hours to clear the contaminants from the pool. Shocking alone will only kill germs and algae it won’t get rid of them.
  • If your pool is still green or cloudy, check that all your chemical levels are adjusted correctly, scrub and remove any visible debris, and make sure your filtration system is working properly.
  • What Is Free Chlorine?

    It is unbound chlorine that is “free” to sanitize.

    Light Green Pool Water

    Can I Shock My Pool Water With Liquid Swimming Pool Chlorine?

    If you have a light green pool, you need to shock your pool in order to kill the algae.

    Algae feeds off high pH. Chlorine isn’t as effective when your pH is high. Youll need to lower your pH using hydrochloric acid. Start with around 1L to 2L. Be careful when adding it to the pool, ensuring it doesn’t splash up on you as it is highly toxic and dangerous. If your pool is vinyl lined, only add 1L every 24 hours, as it’s more sensitive to harsh chemicals.

    You also need to shock your pool with chlorine. Add 2 cups of granulated chlorine or 3 tubs of 15L chlorine . If your pool is salt water chlorinated, add 2 to 4 bags of salt and turn your chlorinator to 100% for a couple of days to really boost that chlorine and get that water sanitised. Your salt levels should be sitting at around 5000ppm , with each 20kg bag of salt equating to 500ppm.

    Note: Keep the pump running for at least 24 hours when shocking the pool to make sure all of the water is properly circulated around the pool!

    *We recommend only using stabilised chlorine if absolutely necessary. Preferably, you should be using non-stabilised chlorine and adding in your stabiliser separately to avoid a chlorine lock .

    The reason for this is because you require much less stabiliser than you do chlorine.This issue can be avoided as a whole by installing a chlorinator if you don’t already have one.”

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    A Swimming Pool Chemical Calculator

    Adjust sliders to calculate the amount of bleach or chlorine to raise free chlorine levels in the pool.

    Chlorine is the most popular disinfectant for swimming pools. There are three main measurements for chlorine, Free Chlorine , Combined Chlorine , and Total Chlorine . Free Chlorine is most commonly tested because it represents the amount of chlorine free in the water for disinfecting. Chlorine is very effective at eliminating most microorganisms in the water that cause disease, bacteria, and algae. Some parasites such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia are resistant to chlorine and need to be treated with UV or Ozone.


    More About Pool Chlorine

    Swimming pool chlorine levels should be tested daily or every other day if a chlorine generator is used. Chlorine is constantly being consumed by sunlight and contaminates. It is important not to let the Free Chlorine levels reach zero. Once Free Chlorine is zero, there is nothing to protect the pool water from microorganisms and other contaminants.

    Hypochlorous Acid

    Chemical Formula: HOCl

    Hypochlorous acid plus Hypochlorite Ion is what’s referred to as “Free Chlorine.” HOCl is the active agent responsible for the oxidation of both organic and inorganic materials in chlorinated water. HOCl is formed when chlorine is dissolved in the water.

    The formula is as follows:FC = HOCl + OCl-


    Chemical Formula: NH2Cl

    Tips About Pool Chlorine

    How Long After Adding Liquid Chlorine Can You Swim

    This usually not less than 8 hours for shock treatments done with chlorine. To gain entrance into the swimming pool to swim again, you will have to wait until the amount of time recommended on the packages instructions is reached.

    You are advised not to enter the swimming pool until the chlorine levels have gone below 3 ppm.

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    Shockingly That Was Easy

    While you may not be too worried about over shocking your pool now, each element of the shock treatment is important. Its critical to get the process right, so you can achieve quick results and get back to swimming. Learning the ins and outs of how to shock a pool will help you better maintain your pool moving forward.

    For more tips and tricks on how to maintain your pool or hot tub, check out our blog! We have the tools you need to keep your pool in pristine condition all year round.

    Can You Buy Liquid Chlorine

    Swimming Pool Shock The Right Way In 6 Easy Steps

    There are lots of options on the market for liquid chlorine. Prices will vary depending on the brand you choose and the size of the product you purchase. For the strength of the liquid chlorine, you may not need as much as you normally would with chlorine tablets. Most commercial pool owners will use a pool supplies company to have larger containers of chlorine delivered to their location.

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