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How To Find Air Leaks In Pool Plumbing

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Is Your Pool Leaking

Find an air leak in your swimming pool.

Before running out to buy these materials to pressure test your whole pool to find a pool leak, first check the basic sources of pool leaks: where the skimmer meets the edge of the pool, or the underwater light, or small cracks in plaster or tears in vinyl. Check that your backwash line is not leaking. Check the pump and filter carefully. Check for cracks in the tile line.

To determine how much of your water loss could be simply evaporation, do the bucket test.

Place a bucket of water on the top step or swim out of the pool. Mark the water level on both the inside and the outside of the bucket, as shown in the image. Shut off the pool pump for 24 hours and if the pool has lost more water than the bucket, then you have a leak in your pool. Repeat the exercise with the pump on for 24 hours. This can give an indication of whether the leak is suction side or pressure side. Next step would be to plug the lines, skimmers, returns, and cleaner line for 24 hours . Use threaded or rubber expansion plugs and see how much the pool leaks with all the plumbing plugged securely.

S Of Swimming Pool Leak Detection

Image source: J. Brandon Jones

This is a pool leak detection test which will help you to determine normal levels of evaporation. Place a bucket of water near your pool. Mark off the levels of water in your bucket and then the levels in your pool. Leave your bucket to stand for a few days and then measure the difference between your pool and your bucket.

If your water levels have decreased at the same rate in your pool and bucket, you dont have a leak. If you find your pool loosing water at a faster rate than your bucket, you have a water leak. If your pool loses water at the same level as your bucket, you probably dont have a leak.

Pvc Plumbing Pressure Testing

If your pool is loosing water and you have checked and eliminated all four possible causes in our previous article, the leak could be in the PVC plumbing.

1. Construct a pressure testing tool as shown in the diagram and connect it to the pool PVC lines.

2. Test either the entire system at once or each PVC line separately. Install a pressure test plug in each return, skimmer and main drain.

3. Use the attached pressure test tool to put water in the PVC lines. The lines should be mostly full of water and not just air. Remove one of the plugs if necessary to fill the pipes with water then reinstall the plug. Continue to add water until the pressure reaches 20-25 psi.

4. Turn off the valve on the pressure test tool and watch the pressure gauge. If the pressure goes down quickly, there is a leak in the PVC pipe. Be sure and check the pressure test plugs to make sure they are not leaking. If the pressure goes down slowly there is a small leak. If there is no leak the pressure should hold for several hours.

5. If the pressure goes down you will need to test each line individually to locate the leak. If the PVC pipe is under a concrete deck, you can add an air valve to the pressure test tool. Use an air tank or compressor to add air to the water pressurized line. Look for the water bubbling in cracks or use a stethoscope to listen through the deck for the leak.

We hope that helps! If you are still experiencing issues, let us know the comments.

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The Complete Guide To Pool Leak Detection

Pool leaks can occur anywhere in or outside your pool. Before searching for the leak in your pool, make sure you check your entire filter system area, including the pump, filter, heater, chlorinator, etc.

If you have an inground pool, leaks can also occur by cracked piping underground. If you suspect this, call a local pool professional to pressure test the lines for possible cracks.

The first step to pool leak detection is to determine that you actually have a leak and arent losing water to evaporation. If youve already done this process, you can skip ahead.

Before we dive in, we know taking care of a pool can be hard, especially when youre new to it. You dont know what products to use or how much and when. So we developed the best way to take care of our pool and packed it into our easy-to-follow video course and ebook.

Youll get access to all the videos for one low price so that you can learn quickly and easily about taking care of your pool. Our course will help save money on maintenance costs while making sure your pool stays clean and crystal clear at all times!

Is Leakage Greater When The Pump Is Off

Find an air leak in your swimming pool.

While the pump is running, leaks in pipes, fittings or valves on the suction side of the system before the pump usually draw air in rather than leak water out. When the pump cycles off, however, water leakage may occur through these openings. Air locks in the pump that require frequent manual priming, bubbles emitted from the return jets in the pool and high-pressure readings in the filter that are relieved by opening the bleed valve are all signs that a leak somewhere before the pump is sucking air in while the pump is energized and probably leaking water out when the pump stops.

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Water And Paper Technique

Place a funnel into the plastic piece that allows you to fill the inflatable toy with air. Ensure that the funnel sits securely within this piece. If the fit is not secure, you will need to hold the funnel in place throughout the next step.

Pour water into the funnel, filling the inflatable toy with water. As the toy is filling, you may notice water leaking out of the toy. If you notice a leak, mark the area and continue filling with water. More than one air leak might be present, so it is important to completely fill the toy with water. Once it is full, remove the funnel and cap the hole. Dry the outside surface of the toy with a towel.

Wrap newspaper securely around the inflatable toy. The layer of newspaper should not be thick — one layer of paper should be sufficient. Wait a few minutes and observe the newspaper. If there is an air leak in the inflatable toy, water will begin leaking out of the hole and onto the newspaper, causing a moist area. Locating these moist areas of newspaper will help you find the exact location of the air leak.


If you locate an air leak in the inflatable toy using either of the suggested methods, you will want to mark the location of the air leak to keep track of it. An easy way to mark the leak is to place a small piece of masking tape over the leak. Or use a pencil or crayon to draw a circle around the air leak.

How To Test For A Leak In Your Inground Pool Piping

A pressure testing rig or stick is used to test individual lines, to see that they hold pressure. Experts will also introduce air into the pipe and listen for air escaping with high-tech headphones and a stethoscope of sorts. By doing this, professional leak detection companies can literally draw an X marking where to dig, whether it be in the yard or on your pools decking.

In most cases, a small 3×3 hole can be cut, and as the only leak detection and complete restoration company in the valley, Leak Science can legitimately find and fix the leak as if nothing ever happened.

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Is The Pool Leaking Only With The Equipment Off

This usually indicates a suction-side leak, or on the pipes that bring water from the pool. With the filter pump on, the plumbing on the suction side is under vacuum. Air can be drawn in through otherwise leaking voids. You may notice air in the pump basket , air bubbling out of the return lines, or air repeatedly built up inside the filter tank. Use tape or a pencil to mark water levels.

Swimming Pool Leak Detection: How To Find A Leak In A Pool

How to Find Your Swimming Pool Air Leak Easily

If your pool has been losing water either quickly or over time, you may be interested in pool leak detection. Pools lose water for natural reasons. These include backwashing your filter, evaporation and water lost while splashing. However, if your pool is losing more water than it normally does you may be wondering how to find a leak in a pool?

Usually, if you are losing more than 2 inches of water a week, you might have a pool leak. If you want to call a professional company to fix your pool leak repair, why not try these few home tips first? This way you will be able to determine whether you can fix your leak yourself.

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How To Find An Air Leak In A Pool Pump And Correct Whats Causing It: Bonus Tips

  • If you have chosen to disassemble the pool pumpbecause of the nature of the necessary remedy, it will be important to have ago-kit with you- it comes in very handy as it comes with all the parts requiredwhen replacing old seals and o-rings.
  • For testing, use shaving cream. Spray it on therelevant spot- it will be drawn by the leak leaving a dimple. Soapy water canalso be helpful.
  • Always do your math- Sometimes its cheaperto replace faulty/old parts .

Obvious Signs Of Damage

If your pool is leaking more than evaporating then the next step in the process of elimination is to thoroughly inspect the pool for damage. This is a step that an experienced pool technician will have a distinct advantage over a pool owner. There are many subtle symptoms that a pool is leaking in a specific spot. You may not even notice something minor that a more experienced eye may see. To combat this you must be very thorough when inspecting your pool for damage.Any part of your pool that shows signs of damage or wear is highly suspect when it comes to looking for pool leaks. When a pool leaks it will cause damage to the surrounding structures and some of this damage may be visible. Pool decks that are sinking or have cracks are a major symptom of a potential leak. Rust forming around skimmer and return ports, holes in your liner that have been patched, cracks in the pool floor, broken fittings – any signs of damage to the pool should be noted and heavily scrutinized to see if they are the cause of the leak or perhaps a symptom of a leak in an adjacent location. As an experienced pool leak detection expert this is the first thing that I am looking for when I inspect a leaking pool. In the event that you do discover some signs of damage, or you have an area that you suspect to be leaking, then the first step that you should take is to dye test this area.

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The Swimming Pool Dye Test

If there is a location in your pool that you suspect is leaking, you can test that specific area with dye. Your goal in doing this test is to release a tiny amount of dye in the specific location where you suspect a leak.

When you conduct a pool dye test, make sure that your pool circulation system is turned off and that there is little or no wind causing movement in your pool water. Your pool water should be as still and as calm as possible when you do this test, so you are also required to be as still as possible as even putting your arm into the water can make the water move and the results of the test hard to assess.

To start the test, release a steady stream of dye into the area surrounding the suspected leak. Once you release the dye, it will tend to stay together and float gently with the subtle motion of the water moving. If there is a leak, you will see the dye being actively pulled out of the pool through the leak.

Dye testing is particularly useful around steps, skimmers, and lights. To detect a leak using this test, the key is to monitor the movement of the dye in the water. Take note, however, that cracks in your pool floor or in the main drain are not ideal for dye testing, unless you have scuba equipment that can allow you to get close enough to conduct the test in these areas.

Dye testers are used only as supplemental tools in leak detection, so dont expect the dye test to be a magic beacon pointing at your pool leak.

How Do You Find A Leak In The Skimmer Line


by Nelson Inda | | Blog, Pool Leak Detection, Sarasota Pool renovations |

If your pool is losing an inch or more water per day, you know that it is leaking somewhere. Water loss is a major telltale sign that there is a leak, and usually, the skimmer lines, which draw water from your pool to be filtered, cleaned and returned, are the culprit.

Leaks in your pools skimmers can cause structural problems if you do not pay attention to them immediately. They also cost lots of money to repair, so finding out if your pool leaks are coming from your skimmers and fixing them right away are crucial in maintaining the health of your pooland your pocket in the long run.

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Leaks In The Tile Line

For concrete pools with the traditional perimeter tile band at the waterline, leaking is most often found inside the skimmer. In rare cases where the pool bond beam cracks behind the tile, and also cracks the tile, pools can leak water through a crack in the top of the pool wall. Cracks in pool tile can be cleaned, dried and filled with EZ Patch 22.

S In Locating Skimmer Leaks

To confirm that your pools skimmer is leaking, mark the side of your pool with a pencil and closely monitor the mark over a few days. If after several days you notice that your pool water is already several inches lower than the mark, its time that you suspect a leak.

Usually, leaks in the skimmer are indicated by the water stopping right ator just belowthe mouth of your pools skimmer. You may identify the source of the leak by first turning the filter pump off, taking the lid off the skimmer, and removing the pump basket, the skimmer weir, and the diverter to see if there is any leak. It is easier to find the source of the leak if you visually inspect all the interior surfaces of your skimmer for cracks and breaks.

Conducting a dye test will also help you determine where exactly your pool is leaking. To conduct this test, all you need to do is to fill an eye dropper with red food coloring, squeeze a small amount of the dye near the area you suspect might be cracked, and disturb the water. If you see the dye pulling into cracks or crevices, then those areas where the coloring is drawn into are where the leaks are.

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Why A Suction Side Air Leak Is Bad

An air leak is bad for your plumbing system because a pool pump needs to purge the air from the pipe before to draw water from the basin, this process is called priming. As a priming pump is working to purge the air, an active air leak working against the pump, replacing the air, and severely reducing the pumpsg capacity.

For a simplified explanation, imagine you are drinking through a straw, then imagine someone pokes a hole in that straw. What happens? Air enters the straws, leaving you parched and annoyed.

Using The Equipment To Your Advantage To Find A Leak

How To: Identify and Correct Air Leaks

How to find a leak in an intex pool rim. Pool leak detection for underground plumbing. We aren’t stupid people, but we can’t seem to find the air leak anywhere, my husband spent at least an hour going over the rim for the leak. A hole in the pool liner will leak water, which will eventually widen the tear, ruining the pool.

We’ve caught them sitting on the top of the ladder and walking along the rim of the pool. If you have a vinyl pool liner, look for tears or separations around the fittings, lights, steps, and corners. It is, however, a pool owners worst nightmare.

In most cases, the leak wont be far from the loudest fixture. When you find the first leak, keep looking. Put some liquid detergent in a bucket of water and scrub it all over the boat with rag or big wash brush.

A clean pool with make locating the hole much easier. Shake the bottle to mix it and ensure it is soapy enough. Should your intex easy set pool inflatable ring have a hole or leak, it is easy to patch.

The time needed for this process depends on the size of your pool. Once complete, fill the pool with water. Some of those foam noodles may be too big to stuff under the rim.

How to find a leak in a pool. Instead of throwing the item out and buying new, here’s a simple thrifty tip to find and repair the hole and save more money for fun this summer! It was actually pretty cool and much easier to find than all the previous times i had tried.

Infinity/Negative Edge and Rimless Tortorella Group

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