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How To Get Rid Of Algae In Your Pool

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Pool Algae Health Issues

How To Get Rid Of BLACK ALGAE In Your POOL | Swim University

Is algae in the pool harmful, or can you swim in a pool with algae? You can, but you may not want to, especially for young children, or others with under developed or compromised immune systems.

Small patches of algae here or there is not a health concern, but if the pool is having a full blown algae bloom, with low water clarity and low chlorine levels, it may not be healthy for swimming.

If the chlorine is not killing the harmless cyanobacteria algae, the chlorine is probably also not killing harmful pathogenic bacteria that may also be present in the water.

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Disconnect The Vacuum And Perform A Final Clean

Once youve finished vacuuming your entire pool, its time to clean up and get back to swimming.

  • Remove the vacuum head from the telescoping pole, and drain any water still in the vacuum hose. Attach your cleaning brush to the pole, and use it to scrub away any algae, dirt, and debris from the sides of the pool.
  • Clear any debris in your pump strainer basket, and backwash the filter if you have a multiport valve and used the Filter setting. Heres our full guide on cleaning your pool filter after youre done vacuuming.
  • If you used the Waste setting to vacuum the pool, make sure you switch the valve back to the Filter setting and keep adding fresh water to your pool until the water level is restored.
  • Once youve topped off your water, test your pool water, and adjust your alkalinity, pH, and chlorine as necessary.
  • Rinse all your equipment with freshwater, dry it, and return it to storage. This will help keep it in top working condition and avoid unnecessary wear and corrosion.
  • You dont have to dread the vac head! When its time to vacuum your poolwhether youre just the hands-on type or waging war on invading algaeyou can get the job done by hand with a little preparation, a lot of elbow grease, and a healthy dollop of patience.

    Is Dead Algae A Problem

    Aside from looking aesthetically unpleasing, leaving dead algae in the pool means theres particles still floating around in the water, which your filter will try to clean up.

    This can lessen the lifespan of the filter (depending on how much algae is present. Additionally, dead algae can stain your pool surface if left on it too long.

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    Does Shock Kill Algae

    Large quantities of algae may need up to three doses of shock spread out over a 36-hour period. Water may become murky if a sufficient amount of shock is used to kill algae. This should not be an issue, and the water should clean up when the filter is run. Wait until the chlorine ppm drops below 5.0.

    Help My Pool Is Green

    How To Get Rid Of Algae In Pool

    It’s a hot summer day and the sun is brightperfect weather for taking a dip in your pool. You venture out to the backyard to check out the pool you haven’t used since last summer. Lo and behold, it’s green!

    You take a closer look and see green, yellow, even black algae growing in your pool. You know it can’t be safe to swim in that infested waterplus it’s just gross and slimy. How on earth did this happen?

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    Why Does A Pool Turn Green Anyway

    The reason is algae. There are millions and billions and trillions of algae. When a swimming pools water is clear and you can see the bottom of the pool perfectly, there is hardly any life in the water. When a pool goes untreated or if the water doesnt move around and doesnt get filtered, it becomes an environment thats conducive to the growth of living things.

    A pool that has favorable conditions for living things will start out with a little bit of algae. These algae are like pioneers with lots of land to share. They can reproduce in great numbers. Their offspring can breed too, so before you know it the pool gets a little cloudy. This cloudiness is an indication that the water is populated with living things and that this is becoming visible to our naked eyes. At this point the cloudy pools population is similar to the state of Floridas population. A couple more days of growth and the pool starts to turn a light green color.

    When the pool is light green, youve gone from a town of pool algae to an entire city of algae. Another couple of days and the light green pool becomes darker. Now youve got New York City. Super dark green and your pool turns into NYC, Tokyo, Delhi, Mexico City, and Shanghai all stacked together. So, the greener your pool turns, the bigger the population of living things becomes.

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    Milliard Pool And Spa Vacuum Head

    When you check this product, you will immediately notice the brush below the pool vacuum head. This part of the vacuum plays an important role in cleaning algae and other dirt in the swimming pools floor. The vacuum is measured at 13.5 inches in width which means it can cover a bigger area during the cleaning activity.

    Another feature that stands out is the type of materials the manufacturer used in making this product. It is made with ABS plastic which is known for its durability and ability to be use for a long period of time. The presence of two air-relief valves in the pool vacuum head also drew my attention. It is said that these two valves release the suction effect when the vacuum clog or when it seals very tight on the pool floor. This will also help for the cleaning to move easily around the floor during the cleaning activity.


    • Two relief valve promotes greater maneuverability and easy movement
    • The ABS plastic provides durability and longevity
    • The width of the vacuum is big to cover enough space for cleaning
    • Brushes underneath help in loosening and removing the algae in the pool floor


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    Test & Balance The Water Chemistry

    In prevention and treatment, water chemistry is one of the most important steps to getting and keeping your pool algae-free.

    You need to test your chlorine and pH levels with a good test kit , and bring your pH level to about 7.8 by adding sodium carbonate to increase it or sodium bisulfate will also need to make sure the chlorine is at least above 1 ppm.

    How To Prevent And Treat Mustard Algae In Your Pool

    Black Algae Treatment, Get Rid of Black Algae in Your Pool

    Austin Butler

    Mustard algae, yellowish-green or brown in color, often attaches to pool walls and other items including pool equipment, toys and even bathing suits. It is most commonly found in warmer climates, but mustard algae can grow in all pools. Since it is chlorine resistant, mustard algae can be hard to get rid of once its in your pool.

    Mustard algae will cling to the walls or bottom of the pool, rather than floating like green algae. It can also be found in hidden, shady areas like rungs of ladders, around lights and in the pool filter.

    How To Prevent Mustard Algae

    To prevent mustard algae from growing, you must take proper care of your pool. Here are six tips for algae prevention.

  • Test your water and keep your pH and alkalinity in the proper ranges.
  • Run your pump and filter for at least 12 hours a day. If you have a Clear Comfort pool, we recommend 24-hour circulation.
  • Regularly vacuum and brush your pool to keep it clean.
  • Use an effective sanitizer and if you are using chemicals like chlorine, make sure to maintain them at proper levels.
  • Shock your pool once a week with non-chlorine or chlorine shock.
  • Use a robotic pool cleaner to clean the pool surface.
  • How to Get Rid of Mustard Algae

    Even if you take all the precautions above, your pool can still end up with mustard algae. Once you have mustard algae, dont underestimate it. Here are nine steps to ridding your pool of this pesky problem.

  • Brush the algae and then let it settle. Vacuum it out using waste mode.
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    Natural Home Remedies For Algae In Pools

    • Salt: Many people treat their swimming pools with salt rather than chemicals like chlorine. Compared to chlorine, salt is cheaper, safer, and more natural. Salt works to break down dirt and bacteria through a process called electrolysis. You can use the salt chlorine generator to deposit salt into your pool.
    • Orenda water treatment: This natural treatment removes the phosphate and other nutrients that algae feed on. Without a food supply, the algae can no longer thrive and grow. It takes very little of this treatment to get rid of phosphate and other nutrients.
    • Ionic pool cleaner: This cleaner operates to release copper and silver into the water, which reduces the growth of bacteria.
    • Sonic wave cleaner: This cleaner causes the cells in algae to vibrate and break down. Note: This tool should not be used exclusively but is good to use in conjunction with other strategies.
    • Ultra-violet light: Many people choose to use generators that use ultra-violet light or electricity to produce ozone. The ozone sanitizes the pool through a process called oxidation.

    Why Do You Have Black Algae In Your Pool

    Simple. Someone swam in a natural body of water like a river, pond, lake, or the ocean, didnt wash their swimwear afterward, and then wore that same swimwear into your pool.

    Maybe that was you, and you did remember to wash your swimwear in between, but forgot about that inner tube you used to float down the river, and then tossed it into your pool unwashed. You just put out the welcome mat for black algae in your pool.

    Its less likely, but black algae can also enter your pool via airborne spores.

    Now what? Well, the first step to getting rid of black algae is understanding what it is, because guess what? Its not algae at all.

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    Re: Pool Dust Solved A Thanks Will Do

    Postby rozebudd»Fri 01 Jun, 2007 12:41

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    Postby Backglass»Fri 01 Jun, 2007 13:34

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    Postby Debbiebe»Fri 01 Jun, 2007 20:15

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    Postby Debbiebe»Fri 01 Jun, 2007 21:02

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    Postby buddy»Mon 04 Jun, 2007 22:28

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    Postby law1120»Tue 05 Jun, 2007 05:10

    Can You Prevent Algae

    How to Get Rid of Pool Algae

    The experts are clear: the best way to prevent algae growth is keeping an eye on the chemistry keeping an eye on the chemistry. Once a month, especially at the start of the season, take a water sample and bring it to a pool specialist, advises Paquette, who also recommends checking the chlorine and pH levels twice a week with a home kit. You can also use a preventive algaecide on a weekly basis to destroy any algae present in the pool, says Carrière. Effective prevention is the best way to avoid finding yourself in murky waters.

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    Contact Compass Pools Melbourne Today

    Are you ready to get a gorgeous pool and avoid a costly and time-consuming algae bloom? If so, contact us at Compass Pools Melbourne. Were happy to help you make the best choice and discuss your options.

    How Do You Get Rid Of Algae In Your Pool

    Algae are unwanted plant-like organisms that grows in pool water. It loves dark places where water doesnt circulate well, like under the ladder, in corners, in crevices and in between pool steps. There are three types of common pool algae green or blue, yellow or mustard, and black. As unseemly as it may be, algae are more of a nuisance than a health hazard. However, you need to get rid of it. Heres how:

    Brush it away.

    You can easily remove algae with a large pool brush. The brushing action will aggravate the algae and put it into suspension. It may take all your might to successfully brush away all the algae, but if the growth isnt too bad, the brushing should take care of it.

    Shock it into submission.

    When you shock your pool, it doesnt mean sending an electric current into the water. What youre actually doing is increasing the chlorine levels. To do so, you will need to add enough chlorine in its liquid or granular form to kill the algae. Besides killing the algae, when you shock your pool, youre also killing other bacteria that may be living in the water. This process is also called superchlorination.

    Invest in a good algaecide.

    There are many algaecides available on the market, so ask a professional before purchasing one. Not all algaecides are created equal and its important to make sure youre getting the right one for your pool. Once you have the right one, read the label carefully before applying it into your pool.

    Filter like theres no tomorrow.

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    Filter Out The Pool Algae

    After your shock treatment kills the algae, itll turn your water a cloudy blue. Dont panic! Thats just dead algae.

    When algae dies, it turns from green to gray and the dead, gray algae particles need to be filtered out. Run your filter continuously for a minimum of eight hours or until the water clears up. And you can use our water clarifier to speed up the process.

    You Can See Clearly Now The Algaes Gone

    Getting rid of algae in your pool

    Whew! Were tired after just putting all this down, so we can imagine how exhausted you must be! Itll be worth it, though, to kill the black algae in your pool and keep it from returning.

    More importantly, youll be keeping your family and pets safe, and maintaining a pool thats clean, sanitary, and fun to use without any worries.

    Happy Swimming!

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    Tips To Preventing And Stopping Pool Algae From Coming Back

    The first step should be maintaining the water balance, especially regarding chlorine levels. Good chlorine levels can stop all algae from growing in your pool, so its the primary parameter to look at.

    Another good preventing step can be using a good phosphate remover if you have problems with algae continuing to re-grow after cleaning the pool. The same can go for algaecide, which can help prevent the worst cases of algae from reappearing.

    Different Types Of Algae

    Before diving into a project like algae elimination, you should be aware of the different types and how they may affect your pools environment. Furthermore, eliminating algae is extremely important to the health of your family and guests since this growth attracts bacteria that feed on algae which can lead to irritation of the skin, ears, or eyes.

    Hence, the various types of algae you need to watch out for include the following:

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    Get The Right Chemicals

    Different sanitizer, different chemicals. Instead of a pink algae algaecide youll want to add a biguanide algaecide instead. This applies to algaecide in generalthe normal stuff just isnt good to biguanide pools.

    Youll also want to add an oxidizer instead of pool shock. Youll still want to triple or quadruple your usual dose to really make sure that pink slime is in for a reckoning.

    Can You Use An Algaecide To Get Rid Of Pool Algae

    How To Get Rid Of Black Algae In Your Pool

    You can get . These can be used to eradicate a mild green algae problem , or as a preventative measure if used regularly. It’s also good to add this treatment when winterizing a pool.

    Lowe’s says that you should shock your pool before using an algaecide. If you use the two treatments at the same time, neither will be effective.

    You can also use a pool flocculant to treat mild cases of pool algae. This makes it easier to vacuum it up.

    A good cleaning and maintenance routine will help prevent green algae from forming

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    How To Keep Mustard Algae Away

    Having tossed the mustardy interlopers out on their tiny yellow ears, you can keep them from coming back with a few simple precautions.

    • Practice smart water chemistry. Keep your pH, alkalinity and sanitizer levels in the correct ranges at all times.
    • Keep to a schedule. Run your pump and filter 812 hours a day, all season long. Keep your pool clean with regular brushing and vacuuming.
    • Shock like its your job.Once a week, every week, add one pound of shock for every 10,000 gallons of pool water. Shock at dusk or in the evening.
    • Clean everything. Yes, all of it. Pool toys, floats, ladders, steps, diving boards, slides, solar blankets, and covers can all harbor algae if left damp and dirty. A quick spray and wipe with a chlorine-based cleaner will go a long way toward protecting you and your pool from algae attacks.

    So My Pools Got Algae Does It Even Matter

    I know, I know. As with all pool issues, its much easier to shrug your shoulders and go back to all the other things you planned to do today. But although the algae that occurs in pools wont hurt you directly, its a killer for your chemical balance. When algae is present in your pool, your sanitizer and chemicals exhaust themselves working against it. And when that happens, the potentially harmful bacteria that your sanitizer is supposed to neutralize is thrivingand surrounding you and yours on every swim. Not only is it gross, but it can also make you sick.

    Is poor circulation the culprit for your algae-infested waters? Try a more powerful unit like this Blue Torrent 2 HP Variable-Speed Pump, which qualifies for rebates, comes with a lifetime warranty, and pays itself off in energy saved. As customer Bill Britton says, Runs great. Super quiet.

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