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HomeMust ReadHow To Keep Pool Warm

How To Keep Pool Warm

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Health And Fitness Benefits

How to keep your Paddling Pool warm and Bug Free

You dont have to be a senior to use the pool for fitness. Swimming is excellent full-body exercise, and has several benefits:

For swimming and water aerobics, the recommended temperature is the standard range of 78°F to 82°F . So you can get a lot of health benefits without having to adjust the temperature much at all.

Pool Color Effects The Amount Of Solar Gain

Black gets hot where white stays cool. Ever noticed that the color of your car effects how hot it gets when parked up in summer under a blazingly blue sky? It’s exactly the same with swimming pools… If located in a year round hot climate zone like New Mexico, Texas, Southern California or Florida then choosing the pool color shouldn’t just be about aesthetics. Neither should choosing a darker colored pool be ignored if in Quebec, Ontario, BC, Montana, New York or Illinois and serious about enjoying a backyard pool for as much of the year as possible without the pool heating costing the Earth. Literally.

What Is The Perfect Pool Temperature

Few pool topics are debated as heatedly as pool temperature. Your neighbors, your local pool store, that one guy at work who thinks he knows everything about everything, the countless pool articles on the internetthey all have opinions, and most of them are at odds with each other. So whos right?

We are, of course! In all seriousness, weve researched it to try to answer the question of perfect pool temperature once and for all. Short version? Theres not just one answer. How warm or cool you keep your pool, and how you do it, depends on several factors. Its just a matter of knowing which of those factors apply to you so you can make the best choice.

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Pour Liquid Solar Cover

Like a standard solar cover, a liquid solar cover, such as this product from Natural Chemistry , stops heat loss. But instead of relying on material, the barrier is formed by a thin layer of alcohol. Alcohol is less dense than water, so it creates a film on the pools surface that prevents the water from evaporating. Although not as effective as a solid cover, a liquid solar cover can reduce the evaporation of heated water from a pool by as much as 85 percent.

Above Ground Pool Temperature

How to Keep Your Pool Warm in the Las Vegas Winter

You may be wondering how to set and maintain the pool temperature if you have an above ground pool. Its very complicated. Are you ready?

Theres no difference.

All the same tips and tactics youd use for an inground pool also apply to above ground pools. Get a good above ground pool heater, keep it in good condition, use a pool cover, and youll be fine.

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Using A Pool Heat Pump

A heat pump acts as solar mats but is not reliant on sunlight. It can be used in hot weather too as it only requires heat present in the air. A heat pump absorbs heat from the air and uses it to heat the water that is pumped inside. This water goes to the pool to warm it up. But as these pumps dont generate on their own, they still need warm temperatures to work. These pumps can only work from April to October.

They are cost-efficient as they only need a one-time expense of installation. And only a water pump is used in them to heat the water. These pumps need to be placed in an open area to operate and wont take much space.

In short, they are cost-effective, space-saving, easy to install, continuous, and can work all day. The only problem is, you cant use them in the winter. This is not because of the efficiency of heat pumps that is lesser in lower temperatures, but also because they might be getting jammed or damaged.

My Swimming Pool Water Is Too Hot And How To Cool It Down

My business partner Jim got an email this week from a previous inground customer that gave me a little grin, mainly because it is such a perfect representation of a conversation we have when talking to potential customers the first time regarding Heat Pumps:

Dear Jim,

We know that we balked when you told us that we needed a chiller for our pool. We could not imagine the water ever getting so warm that we would require such a thing . We are here to testify that without that chiller over the last week of 90 degree plus days, every single day here in Northern Virginia, we could/would not have been able to use our pool. When the water temp finally hit near 90 degrees last weekend, Cynthia said, “Let’s give that chiller a shot”. What a lifesaver! Instead of getting in what felt like pretty un-refreshing bathwater, since then, the chiller has kept the water temp at a manageable and refreshing 84 degrees. Feel free to have anyone who is on the fence regarding chillers just give us a call – we’ll more than endorse them.

Scott Conrad

Chantilly, VA

A special thanks to Scott for taking the time to write this note that addresses the question of whether to get a regular heat pump vs. one with a chiller.

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How To Heat A Swimming Pool: 10 Simple Yet Effective Ways For You

Have you installed your pool recently and are looking for an answer on how to heat a swimming pool? Is heating your pool daily an expensive task so youre looking for a cost-effective method to heat your pool. A warm pool gives a wonderful feeling when swimming.

There are many choices and to find the ideal choice, you must keep your eyes on certain factors, such as the type and size of the pool. Or how often will you be using your pool? Some popular and effective heating systems are mentioned below.


Choose The Elite Solar Pool Blanket For Superior Performance

3 CHEAP Ways to HEAT Your SWIMMING POOL | Swim University

Ten years ago, the team at Elite Pool Covers set out to improve on all aspects of the run of the mill round bubble blankets and succeeded by developing the Elite Super Bubble Blanket that is proven to out-perform all solar types of round bubble blankets on the world market.

There are a number of run of the mill round bubble type blankets on the market. These tend to keep the heat in your pool the same, as they all have similar small bubble size, same average insulating qualities, same lifespan and similar thicknesses.

The Elite Super Bubble Solar Blanket is truly superior and is proven to outperform all other round bubble blankets according to independent scale tank tests and comparative guarded hot plate tests to Australian Standard AS4859-1.

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How Long Does It Take To Heat A Pool

It depends on the size of the pool. If you have a small spa, it may take almost 1 hour to rise its temperature around 11°C or 20°F. But if you have a large pool, then it may take anywhere from 24 to 72 hours to rise its temperate to 11°C or 20°F.

You can use this formulation to calculate the time:

# of gallons in pool X 8.34 = ___________ lbs. of water

______ pounds of water / BTU Size = The hours it takes to raise the water temperature by degree F

How To Keep Your Pool Warm

Swimming pool heaters and heat pumps do a great job of warming up your pool. But they’re expensive to buy, and expensive to operate, which puts them out-of-reach for many pool owners.

Solar blankets are considerably less expensive than heaters, and do a fantastic job using the sun’s rays to heat your pool water. But they have to be taken off the pool every time you want to swim and put back on once you’re done .

There is, however, a third, low-cost, alternative that not only works in pretty much any kind of swimming pool, requires barely any effort, and is completely safe: liquid solar blankets.

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Convert To A Natural Pool

Transitioning from a chemical pool into a natural pool can seem like a leap, but its one in the right direction of eco-friendliness.

This means you use plants rather than chemicals, and biofilters. Would you love to reduce your carbon footprint? Heres your chance to!

Interested in a salt water pool? Learn more about how salt water pools work!

Install A Solar Pool Heater

How to Stay Warm in a Cold Pool (9 Simple Tips ...

This is perhaps the most eco-friendly way to heat your pool. And yet, its also an inexpensive method. If youre in a location where you have lots of sunlight, this method is also very effective.

A solar pool heater makes use of the suns rays, converting them to heat and in the process, keeping your pool very warm and comfortable.

It also costs you less, because this kind of heater uses light from a free energy source i.e. the sun.

They are also pretty easy to install, and when combined with other supporting pool heaters, you have the best results .

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Will A Liquid Solar Blanket Heat My Pool

No, a liquid solar blanket will not heat your swimming pool. A liquid solar blanket works more like insulation, meaning the heat that’s in the pool doesn’t dissipate as quickly, so your water stays warmer even as the air temperature drops. If you’re looking to add heat to your pool, a traditional solar cover , will also help trap heat and reduce evaporation, but actually warms your water by magnifying the sun’s rays as well .

While liquid solar blankets trap heat or reduce water evaporation, a traditional solar is much more effective at this, though you can expect your water temperature to stay about five degrees or so warmer by using a liquid solar blanket versus nothing at all.

If you are looking for a way to actually raise the temperature of your pool water we highly recommend adding a traditional solar blanket . A traditional solar cover will help heat your pool water, though it does rely on the sun to do so. Meaning, no sun…no heat. For maximum heating capability, you’ll really want to invest in a heater or heat pump . A heater or heat pump will be effective any time of day, any time of the year, and in any weather.

Managing Swimming Pool Temperature For Energy Efficiency

  • Managing Swimming Pool Temperature for Energy Efficiency
  • The water temperature you desire for your swimming pool not only affects the size of the pool’s heater, but also your heating costs if use a gas or heat pump pool heater.

    Pool water temperatures typically range from 78ºF to 82ºF. The American Red Cross recommends a temperature of 78ºF for competitive swimming. This coincides with good fuel savings. However, this may be too cool for young children and the elderly, who may require a temperature of 80ºF or higher.

    The energy consumption for each degree rise in temperature will cost 10%30% more in energy costs, depending on your location. In warmer climates, this percentage is higher because of the relatively low cost of heating a pool at 78ºF.

    On the following pages, see the tables showing the costs of heating pools at different temperatures in different U.S. cities:

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    This Is How It Works:

    All you need to do is buy a black garden hose.

    Purchase a black garden hose long enough to travel the distance from your pool pump and into a sunny area with 100 feet to spare. To keep your pool warmer, pick a spot on the deck or on the roof of your house.

    After you have chosen the spot, it is time to unravel your hose. Connect it to the return in your pool pump. You can do this using a tap-style connection. You might have to have this connection professionally installed.

    Once you have attached your hose, run it to your chosen sunny spot.

    Wrap all of your spare hose into a coil. The coil will help the hose to remain warm. Then run the remaining hose into the pool.

    Warm water will circulate through this heated coil, creating a pool water heater to increase your water temperature.

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    How Can I Help My Kids Stay Warmer At Swimming Class At A Pool

    How to keep warm water temperature in your swimming pool?


    So we joined the local YMCA last weekend so my kids can start swimming lessons. We went for an open swim time this weekend and it was SO COLD . My daugher’s lips turned blue, I had to get out early, etc. Is there something we can get that will keep us warmer? Like a long sleeve shirt made for keeping us warmer in the water? Do they have things like that ? Any ideas?Thanks!- X.

    EDITED TO ADD: We asked about the pool temperature when we were there and they actually said it was a few degrees WARMER than they normally have it! So we definitely need to find something warmer to help…thanks for all the suggestions so far – keep them coming!

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    Operation Of A Pool Heat Pump

    A heat pump uses electricity to extract heat from the outside air and distribute it into the water. The heat pumps do not generate any heat themselves.

    Heat pumps are therefore dependent on the outside temperature. Heat pumps are efficient so long as the temperature is higher than 10 °C. They generate up to 5 kW of heat for 1 kW of energy.

    If the outside temperature falls below 10 °C, it is best to shut off the heat pump. That is why heat pumps are ideal for those who want to swim from April until the end of October. There are, however, specific heat pumps that can be used at lower temperatures. If you want to swim the whole year round, you can use a heat exchanger in the winter months.

    How Will An Elite Solar Pool Blanket Help

    Elite Super Bubble Blankets are proven to be the best heating blankets available. When you get one installed on your pool, you can ensure longer swimming seasons in warmer water. An Elite Super Bubble Blanket will keep your water in, keep the heat in and keep the chemicals in your pool, saving you money. Of course, with a cover that keeps debris out, you can also spend more time enjoying your pool and less time cleaning it.

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    Heat Pump Pool Heaters

    Homeowners looking to extend their pool seasons, while staying cost-efficient and environmentally conscious, are turning to heat pump pool heaters to solve their heating needs. What exactly is a heat pump pool heater, and how does it work?

    A heat pump pool heater is an advanced-technology pool-heating solution that maintains efficiency even after years of use. Essentially, the only cost is the compressor and fan motor operation, allowing you to then consume the free heat from the air!

    The basic heat pump pool-heater cycle works like this:

  • A fan pulls warm air over the evaporator coil causing the liquid refrigerant inside to heat up and turn into a gas.
  • The warm refrigerant gas enters a compressor which increases the temperature and pressure of the gas.
  • The hot-gas refrigerant exits the compressor and enters the condenser heat exchanger where the heat is transferred to the pool water flowing on the other side.
  • Having lost some heat to the water, the hot gas reverts to a liquid state before exiting the condenser and entering a thermal expansion valve.
  • The thermal expansion valve allows the refrigerant to expand, decreasing its temperature and pressure before starting the cycle again.
  • In simpler terms, heat pump pool heaters transfer heat from the ambient air to the pool water and run on electricity, functioning similarly to a home air conditioner.

    Pool Location In The Yard:

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    Siting the pool needs careful thought for free heating!For passive solar heat gain it needs ideally to be located to get maximum sun – this is optimized “Insolation”, not to be confused with “Insulation!” At the same time its also ideal to have a pool in an area shielded from the wind, as wind on the surface of a pool creates ripples or small waves. Heat loss through evaporation is an interaction of water temperature, air temperature, humidity, and surface area of the pool. A flat, tranquil swimming pool will have a water surface area equal to the physical dimensions of the pool. Ripples and waves on the pool increase the surface area of the water exposing more of the surface to the colder air on all but the hottest days, but also accelerate the losses from evaporation. Locating a swimming pool in an area that gets both sun and which is shielded from the wind is a huge win/win and will be a great help in increasing solar gain while reducing heating requirements and the losses associated leading to higher energy use and costs.

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    Balancing Performance With Warmth For Wintertime Swimwear

    Druing the wintertime, the need arises for warmth in addition to modesty and performance in a swimsuit. The indoor pool in which I swim is kept between 80 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit year round, which is perfect for most people, yet a little cooler than I personally prefer, especially on winter days when the outside temperature is at freezing. While I admire the many styles of warm, modest swimwear reviewed on my site, few of them are conducive to performance, especially as a lifeguard. So, I turned to researching made-for-warmth swimwear utilized by scuba divers.

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